Sunday, December 9, 2012

Chewing Tobacco Health Risks

Even chewing tobacco is a health risk. With the increase of tobacco chewing, studies have noted an increase in gum disease, tooth decay, and cancer of the lip, tongue and throat. These cancers usually don't show up until the later years, but they can be debilitating and disfiguring. WHY TEENS SMOKE
In spite of all the proof and all the warnings that smoking causes disease and death, over four million teens still smoke. Why? Experts agree that teens start smoking for many reasons. To those who lack self-confidence, smoking makes them feel grown-up and important. Teens can also be influenced by the pressures of peers, and some smoke to feel part of the group. Also, most teens who smoke have parents who smoke; that means that they've grown up around cigarettes and smoking is part of their daily lives. And then there are the ads! The tobacco industry spends $1.5 billion dollars every year to persuade people that smoking is okay--even chic.
But what about the health risks of smoking? "What 14-year-old thinks about getting cancer? They think that's just for old people," says Mike Bruno, a coach at Collingswood High School (New Jersey). "By the time teens learn the effects of smoking on the body, they're already hooked. They don't get the message until they see someone who's dying from cancer. People usually learn the hard way."
George, a teenage runner from Illinois, seconds that opinion. "When I started smoking in high school, I didn't think about cancer. I didn't worry until I noticed I couldn't run as far or as long as I once could. It was tough, but I quit. And it's amazing how my running's improved."
"Athletes can really see the harm smoking does," adds Coach Bruno. "When an athlete smokes he or she just doesn't have the endurance nonsmokers have." 
What they didn't know is that they can easily buy electronic cigarettes to quit smoking. The E-cigarette Festival will compare electronic cigarettes for you, helping you find the best electronic cigarettes! Also, they have a great smokeless image coupon that can save you a ton on your electronic cigarette purchases.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Components of an E Cig Starter Kit

A lot of us already know the benefits that you can get from choosing electronic cigarettes over the real sticks. Just to give a brief review of it, electronic cigarettes are less harmful, more convenient to use, and more environmentally friendly. Most brand offers a wide variety of e-cig starter kit selections, in order to cater different needs and wants of smokers.

Why Choose Electronic Cigarettes Over Real Cigarette Sticks?

It is less harmful because you can always choose to decrease the level of nicotine inside, so you will not have to worry about suffering from lung cancer, throat problems, bad breath, or at the very least is yellow teeth. It is also convenient to use, because all you need to do is to charge it and use it, without worrying about smoke, ashes, ashtray, or a lighter. It works on its own, as soon as you turn it on. Lastly, it is environmentally friendly, because not cigarette butts will be left, which can harm Mother Nature in time.

What Can You Get In Each E-Cig Starter Kit?

Most electronic cigarettes come in an e-cig starter kit. Each kit will contain almost everything that you need, so you can get started. Top brands for electronic cigarettes will always provide you with more, especially if you buy their high end kits.

Electronic cigarettes come in two different styles (in general). Let's compare electronic cigarettes to get the idea of which is which. The first one is a two piece cigarette stick, while the other comes in three pieces. Obviously, the latter will be longer than the other one. 

To explain the different pieces of the electronic cigarette sticks, please see the details below:
Two piece = Battery + Atomizer
Three Pieces = Batter + Filter/Cartridge + Atomizer

Most of the brands for e-cig starter kit will also have extra cartridges, chargers (USB and wall mount), extra lithium ion batteries, and a carrying case. Of course, the more extra that you get, the more will it be for its price.

If you are looking to purchase your first e-cig starter kit, make sure to read some reviews of it first from real users, so you will have out of the box facts. It will give you a direct idea on its performance, and see if the kit is indeed the right one that will suit your needs and wants, in the hope of exceeding your expectations from your very first e-cig starter kit. 

If you're interested in saving money on an electronic cigarette starter kit, try using our Smokeless Image Coupon!